
It's vital to be visible on

Google search results Ahead of the competition

Generic ads don’t work well. We build multiple customer journeys coupled with offers that align with your customer segments, testing them regularly to ensure they’re optimized and effective.


We develop customer journeys that begin on Google Ads that are built around your customer segments, ensuring your offer will interest someone to click your ad and take action on your website. We balance ad-spend budget and getting the best possible CPM and CPC (cost per impression, cost per click, respectively) by leveraging industry-leading AI tools and ad-copy that’s tested so it’s just right for your target audience.

Take advantage of the benefits online ad platforms like google ads

Reach new customers quickly

Online Ads don’t have a waiting period as compared to organic SEO which can take time for crawlers and indexing

Target Your Campaign

We can target ads based on user demographic, interests, purchase intent, past behaviour and more

Campaigns that Stay With You

Show your ad on search results, mobile apps and websites to people who have recently interacted with an ad or your website

Keyword Specific Ads

Ad copy can be tailored to a keyword or keyword phrase to increase relevance, lower click costs and a higher click-thru rate

Digital Marketing Moment Search Engine Marketing

Introduction In a recent announcement, Facebook revealed that it will be discontinuing its appointment scheduling feature. This change comes as a surprise to many businesses that have relied on the platform to manage their appointments efficiently. Appointment scheduling is a crucial component for many businesses, allowing them to streamline operations …

Google has announced a significant change that will impact all businesses and marketers who rely on its analytics platform. Starting July 1, 2024, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will completely replace Universal Analytics. This transition means that Universal Analytics properties and APIs will be turned off, making them inaccessible. If you’re …

Imagine a world where scheduling appointments is no longer a time-consuming hassle. A world where every meeting is set up seamlessly, with all participants arriving prepared and on time. Sounds ideal, right? For many business owners and marketers, this dream can become a reality with the right tools and strategies. …

Are you seeking effective Milton website design to elevate your business? With a focus on clear, user-centric designs, discover how Milton’s design expertise can streamline your online presence and contribute to your business’s growth. Don’t wait to transform your website into a powerful business asset—contact us today to start the …

Ready to Start Advertising Online?

Let’s create a viral new ad for you.
